The owner of Robotydoroboty business line is:
Rhenus Data Office Polska Sp. z o.o.
66 Katowicka Avenue
05-830 Nadarzyn
Phone: +48 22 331 2 331
District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, Commercial Court, XIV Commercial Department
National Court Register (KRS) 0000012426
Tax Identification Number (NIP) 521 31 14 842
the National Official Register of Business Entities (REGON) 016638055
Share capital: 2 159 000 PLN (including contribution in kind: 259 000 PLN)
Bank account: Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas SA, 48 1600 1127 0003 0123 0233 8001
Management Board:
Jacek Dudkiewicz
Jens Kumbrink
Krzysztof Choma